
Initiator Creator Newsletter

Initiator Creator - Issue 130

Published 10 months ago • 3 min read

Initiator Creator - Issue #130

By Saurabh Y. // 08 July 2023


New Approaches For Detecting AI-Generated Profile Photos - LinkedIn

This cutting-edge research helps LinkedIn continue to improve and increase the effectiveness of there automated anti-abuse defenses to help detect and remove fake accounts

Basecamp: Leaving the Cloud — Cloud Computing Isn’t For Everyone - Basecamp

Basecamp run extensively in both Amazon’s cloud and Google’s cloud, but the savings never materialized. So they left.

CommonJS is hurting JavaScript - Deno

JavaScript, the undisputed king of web development, is being sabotaged — not by a rival language or a revolutionary new technology, but by its own baggage from the past.

Mosaic: An extensible framework for linking databases and interactive views - Github

Mosaic is an extensible architecture for linking data visualizations, tables, input widgets, and other data-driven components, leveraging a backing database for scalable processing of both static and interactive views.

The hardest part of building software is not coding, it's requirements - StackOverflow

The hardest part about creating software is not writing code—it’s creating the requirements, and those software requirements are still defined by humans.


The 14 New Rules of Brand Strategy - Medium

Consider the original 16 rules to be the cost of entry. They are now the baseline requirement for brand building. This new and revamped list is how you build on that foundation and level up to greatness.

Stop asking UX researchers to defend their sample size - UX Collective

If you are a researcher, hopefully this will give you some ideas on how to respond next time you’re confronted by The Sample Size Question.

How Shopify, an $80 Billion Juggernaut, Optimizes its Landing Page to Increase Conversions - UX Planet

What is Shopify doing to continue to grow their business? Well, you can look at their own landing page design.

The Aura of Care: False Legitimacy Gained Through UX - UX Collective

The UX profession has an aura of empathy and care for the people who use tech products. Businesses capitalise on this aura without having to entertain it.

AI-Powered Tools for UX Research: Issues and Limitations - NN/g

Be skeptical of the marketing claims being made by AI tools designed for UX researchers. Many of these systems are not able to do everything they claim.


The myth of the genius founder - Atlassian

Even the most gifted entrepreneur needs a team of collaborators to achieve greatness.

Product Postmortem: 6 Failed Products and What We Can Learn From Them - The Product Manager

a list of famous product flops, analyzed the reasons they failed, and pointed out the main takeaways to keep in mind as a product manager or entrepreneur.

How to do market research for product? - Hacker News

Well-versed suggestions from Hacker News community members.

Who killed Google Reader? - The Verge

Ten years after its untimely death, the team that built the much-beloved feed reader reflects on what went wrong and what could have been.

The Anatomy of a Pivot - Ravi Mehta

Missions are more durable than strategy — strategy needs to respond to market changes, technology advancement, and competitive pressures.


How To Find What Affects Your Site Rankings And Prioritize Your SEO Efforts - SERPStat

Some of those signals relate to the domain factors such as keywords in a domain name, domain age, domain history etc. The rest focuses on other areas such as traditional on-site SEO, backlink profile, user behavior signals, and the authority of the brand itself.

Developer Marketing Mistakes: What Developers Hate - Heavybit

“Developers hate marketing” is a statement that’s become a truism – if not a cliche – but it misleads more than it clarifies.

AI-Generated Content: A Guide to the New Era of Content Marketing - Animalz

Armed with this knowledge, you can develop a thoughtful approach to AI-generated content that leverages the strengths of both humans and machines.

Interesting Read

The Time Traveling Mistake We Make When We Procrastinate - Berkeley

Research is uncovering the benefits of recognizing that you might be wrong, who tends to be more humble, and some hints about how to cultivate this skill.

How to Do Great Work - Paul Graham

The first step is to decide what to work on. The work you choose needs to have three qualities: it has to be something you have a natural aptitude for, that you have a deep interest in, and that offers scope to do great work.

Why You Believe The Things You Do - Collab Fund

What you believe to be true is influenced by how much you want it to be true. The more something helps you deal with uncertainty, the lower the bar is for you to believe it’s true.

Community Submissions

If you like to share a project or article with the rest of the readers then please DM me at @ICforpreneurs or hit reply

Maps Distort How We See the World - Uncharted Territories

30 Maps to Rethink the World


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